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Folders, Transportation, Homework

A good relationship starts with good communication...
Take Home Folders

I hope to have many opportunities to communicate with you throughout this school year.  One of the means of communicating will be the, “Take Home Folder.”  This will be a red pocket folder in which the children’s work, incomplete work, important notices, and notes from you to me will be sent.  Please establish a routine of checking the folder each evening for things that may have been sent home.  It helps establish responsibility to return the folder each morning.


At orientation you had the opportunity to fill out how your child will be getting home regularly.  Please send a note, email, or call the office as soon as you find out there will be a change to your child's transportation. Any time after 2:00pm please call the office, as I may not have an opportunity to check my email that late in the day.  If your child is riding the bus home on a different bus or getting off at a different stop please send a signed note.  The principal will have to sign the note and this will be their pass on the bus.


Homework packets will begin in October and passed out on Mondays.  Homework is not mandatory but highly encouraged. Homework is a great way to reinforce grade level skills, show parents what we are learning, and establish personal responsibility. When students return their homework they will get to pick out of the goodie jar! 

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